- Pliable action of mind and
physique surpass stiffening and sturdiness.
True spirit of
Judo is nothing but the gentle and diligent free
spirit. Judo rests on flexible action of mind and
body. The word flexible however never means
weakness but something more like adaptability and
openmindedness. Gentleness always overcomes
- To display best vitality
in the worst plight.
A danger is apt to
be unforseen, and in such a case the worst
possible plight will show itself. Judo should
present its most substantial meaning in such a
case. Judo's specialty is quick shifting
disadvantage to advantage, and freedom of action
in the worst situation by detecting the
opponent's unguarded point quickly and changing
your own position to overcome the danger.
- To be careless is equal to
lack of fixed principle.
You must give full
attention and energy to studying Judo with zeal
and sincerity. Shifting disadvantage to advantage
is a subtle art and not an ounce of inattention
is allowed.
- Never stick to a fixed
idea, but be in a self-annihilating state.
To be flexible
requires a lack of consciousness of life and
death. If you are not afraid of the stronger
opponent but a naive mind of selflessness is
maintained, your activity will be hindered by
nothing, and infinite change and adaptability can
be displayed.
- Never despise trifles but
keep faithful mind.
The mind, if
slackened even a little, will cause defeat the
same as fearing the opponent will make you unable
to use full strength. If you are in a hurry to
win the match, you will not grasp the truth of
the moment. Truth is a free factor, not planned
but found when the mind is in its natural state.
It can be said that everybody is always with
truth but your sincerity will enable you to get
it without labor.